

Hidingplace, walldrawing, Retake, Tranen, Gentofte hovedbibliotek, 2012.


Retake, Tranen, Gentofte hovedbibliotek, 2012.

Hidingplaces I


Hidingplaces I, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Han bøjede nakken og krøb ind under bordet. Efter et stykke tid begyndte hans nakke at gøre ondt og han var nødt til at lægge sig på siden. Han lå helt stille og døsede hen.

He lowered his head and crawled under the table. After a while his neck started hurting and he was forced to lie on one side. He lay perfectly still and dozed off.

Hidingplaces II


Hidingplaces II, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Hun kravlede ind under sengen og kunne derfra se fødder passere som siden standsede op. Når skridtene forsvandt ud af værelset rullede hun forpustet tættere på væggen.

She crawled under the bed. From there she could see feet walking past and then stopping. When the sound of footsteps disappeared from the room, she moved closer to the wall, feeling out of breath.

Hidingplaces V


Hidingplaces V, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Han gemte sig bagved gardinerne i entréen. Fødderne stak ud og han prøvede på at gøre sig så flad som muligt for ikke at blive opdaget. Han holdt vejret, men gav til sidst slip på luften med et dybt suk som han håbede ikke skulle afsløre ham.

He hid himself behind the curtain in the hall. His feet stuck out and he tried making himself as flat as possible so as not to be noticed. He held his breath but in the end he sighed deeply and hoped this would not reveal his presence.

Hidden Narratives


”Hidden Narratives” with Vesna Pavloviç, BKS Garage, 2012.

Hidden Narratives

7 MF_2012

“Unfinished” # 2 – 7, pencil on paper, 2011 – 2012.

Hidden Narratives


“Boxes”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2012.


Unfinished # 3


“Unfinished # 3”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2012.

Unfinished # 4


“Unfinished # 4”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2012.

Unfinished # 6


“Unfinished # 6”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2012.

The Exception and the Rule

exception 1

Installationview with “The Go-Between”, DVD, 7:30 min., at “The Exception and the Rule”, SAK, Svendborg, 2012.

The Exception and the Rule


“11 x The Go-Between”, used paperback copies.






The Go-Between


restless view

“Restless”, installationview Danske Grafikers hus, 2012. From left: “Grey # 6”, “Grey # 1”, “Grey # 3”, “Grey # 2”, “Grey # 4”, “Grey # 5”.

Grey # 1


“Grey # 1”, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2011.

Grey # 2


“Grey # 2”, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2011.

Grey # 3


“Grey # 3”, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2011.