
Images Between the Word and the film

Images Between the Word and the Film

Ph.d thesis “Images Between the Word and the Film”, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2010.

Gaps in the Landscape


“Gaps in the Landscape”, MDF-panel, 122 x 244 cm, 2010.

Images Between the Word and the Film

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Installationview “Images Between the Word and the Film” at Overgaden June 2010. From left: “Sometimes the Desert is Red”, 2004 & 2009, “Parkscenario”, “Summer after Monika”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2007, “Las babas del diablo”, DVD, 5:44 min., 2010.

Images Between the Word and the Film

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“Parkscenario: Parc de la Villette, Parc André Citroën, Parc de Buttes Chaumont, Bois de Boulogne” 24 c-prints 15 x 22 cm,1999 – 2009.


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När de möttes blev hon omfamnad av henne. Det fick henne till att hoppas på att hon hade förlåtit henne. De gick vidare nära varandra, och skrattade lite för högt varje gång den andra sa något. När de försvunnit bakom buskarna kunde man fortfarande höra dem skratta.

She gave her a hug when they met which made her hope that she had been forgiven. Walking along very closely together, they laughed a bit too loudly every time the other one said anything. You could even hear them laughing when they disappeared behind the bushes. 

Parc de la Villette III, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.


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Efter att ha suttit en stund på bänken upptäckter hon att en man i närheten iakttar henne. Hon reser sig och går men kan inte låta bli att vända sig om och titta på honom.

After sitting on the bench for a while, she noticed that a man nearby was watching her. She gets up and leaves but cannot help turning around to look at him. 

Parkscenario: Parc de la Villette II, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.


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En kvinna går under trädet. Hon har en svart kappa på sig som sluter tätt omkring kroppen. Lågt säger hon till sig själv att hon inte skulle ha lämnat honom ensam igen. A woman walks under the tree. 

She is wearing a tightly fitting black coat. In a low voice she tells herself that she should not have left him alone again.

Parkscenario: Parc de Buttes-Chaumont I, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.

Las babas del diablo

The Cinematic Experience

“The Cinematic Experience”, ed. Alice Autelitano, Campanotto Editore, Paisan di Prato, 2010.