
Hypothetical Picnic

“Hypothetical Picnic III”, pencildrawing 29,7 x 42 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Hypothetical Picnic

Daydream # 18, 19 (Kynnefjäll), digitalt prints.

Hypothetical Picnic

Daydream # 18 (Kynnefjäll), digitalt print on barytapapir mounted on dibond, 130 x 86 cm, 2021.

Hypotetisk picknick

Daydream # 19 (Kynnefjäll), digitalt print on barytapapir mounted on dibond, 130 x 86 cm, 2021.

Hypothetical Picnic

The Zone, embroidery, linen/cotton, 170 x 150 cm, 2024, further down Barsebäck I, photo banner, 390 cm x 260 cm, 2022.

Hypothetical Picnic

Barsebäck II, III, photo banner 390 x 260 cm, 2022. Hypothetical Picnic, HD-video, 10 min., 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Hypothetical Picnic I – V, pencildrawings on paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

“Hypothetical Picnic I”, pencildrawing 29,7 x 42 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

“Hypothetical Picnic II”, pencildrawing 29,7 x 42 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Eclipsed (Lena), pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Eclipsed (Maria), pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Eclipsed (Lotta), pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Hypothetical Picnic I, watercolour, 30 x 40 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Hypothetical Picnic II, watercolour, 30 x 40 cm, 2023.

Hypothetical Picnic

Hypothetical Picnic III, watercolour, 30 x 40 cm, 2023.


Misreadings, Bergkvara konsthall, Sweden, 2023. A series of interpretations of textile patterns by Viola Gråsten.


Törnrosa (efter Viola Gråsten), embroidery linen/cotton, 150 x 173 cm, 2022.


Grey # 11, 2017, pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm.


Grey # 12, 2017, pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm.


Grey # 25, 2021, pencildrawing on paper, 50 x 65 cm.




Careless Nature 2017-2022

Careless Nature 2017 – 2022; Frie hænder, Den Frie, Copenhagen 2023.

Careless Nature

Top: The Beauvais Lot 2017

Det blæste, og hun kunne godt lide at høre, birkebladenes raslen.
It was windy, and she liked to listen to the rattle of the birch leaves.

Når hun strakte ud efter brombæren sad skjorten fast i tornene som lavede en stor revne.
As she reached for the blackberries, her shirt caught on the brambles, which tore a big hole.

Hun plukkede blomster og opdagede ikke brændnælden men kunne mærke da det brændte til.
She was picking flowers and did not notice the stinging nettle, but she felt it when it stung.

Bottom: The Beauvais Lot 2022

Drengen løb væk fra de andre for at finde et gemmested.
The boy ran away from the others to find a hiding place.

Ilden var gået ud, og han undrede sig over, hvor de andre var henne.
The fire had burned out, and he wondered where the others were.

I et hjørne lå nogle gryder brugt til et måltid en gang.
In a corner lay some pots that had once been used for a meal.

Careless Nature

Top: The Ellstorp Lot 2017

Hon stannade upp när hon upptäckte hur många fjärilar blommorna drog till sig.
She paused when she discovered how many butterflies the flowers attracted.

En svärm små flugor följde efter henne så hon var tvungen att öka takten.
A swarm of little flies followed her, so she had to increase her pace.

Några brända böcker fick honom till att spekulera över vad som hade hänt där.
Some burnt books made him wonder what might have happened there.

Bottom: The Ellstorp Lot 2022

Framför henne stannade kaninen, för att sedan rusa iväg.
The rabbit stopped in front of her, then raced away.

Träden var inpackade som reliker värda att bevaras.
The trees were wrapped up like precious relics to be protected.

Hen hade gjort ett hål för att få tillgång till området.
They had made a hole to gain access to the area.

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, The Ellstorp Lot 2022, photography mounted on print with text ,
50 x 65 cm, 2023

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, The Beauvais Lot 2022, photography mounted on print with text ,
50 x 65 cm, 2023

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, The Ellstorp Lot 2017, photography mounted on print with text ,
50 x 65 cm, 2023

Daydream, Den Frie

Daydream, a series of photographs and drawings from the garden of Gilles Clément, La Vallée in Creuse, France, in Atmospheres, curated by Milena Bonifacini and Sophia Kalkau at Den Frie 2022.


Daydream # 14 (La Vallée, Creuse), digital print on barytapaper, 50 x 75 cm, 2019.


Daydream # 15 (La Vallée, Creuse), digital print on barytapaper, 50 x 75 cm, 2019.


Grey # 23, 50 x 65 cm, pencildrawing on paper, 2020.


Grey # 19, 50 x 65 cm, pencildrawing on paper, 2020.


Grey # 22, 50 x 65 cm, pencildrawing on paper, 2020.

The Danish Pavillon in Griffenfeldsgade, LOKALE

The editors of Pist Protta, Åse Jørgensen, Jesper Fabricius and Jesper Rasmussen, made a proposal for an open call for the Danish Pavillon in Venice, where they suggested that the pavillon should be treated as an issue of the magazine. When that project wasn’t realized they choose to unfold the idea at LOKALE in Nørrebro, Copenhagen instead, with Gitte Broeng as guest editor. The exhibition was documented and these images became Pist Protta # 91.


Drawings from the ongoing series Unfinished, pencil on paper.


Texts from the collection Unfinished, about time, fiction and memory.

Pist Protta # 91

Tower to Tower

Tower to Tower, 7 pencil drawings on paper, installationview Den Frie 2020.

Tower to Tower

Unfinished # 19, 29 x 42 cm, 2018.

Tower to Tower

Unfinished # 20, 29 x 42 cm, 2018.

Tower to Tower

Unfinished # 22, 29 x 42 cm, 2018.

Grid – landscape pattern

Kivik Art Centre 5.5.2020

In Kivik Art Centre’s unique environment, visual artist Maria Finn and landscape architect Jacob Kamp established the work Grid in a wheat field, in the summer 2020. Grid had previously been established in Amorparken in central Copenhagen in 2019, where a grid pattern was transferred on the lawns. In the squares, the grass was allowed to grow high while the passages were cut so that visitors could move through the work and thus get a different experience of the park. The work Grid was reestablished at Kivik Art Centre, where the part of the wheat field that leads to Snöhetta’s sculpture Viewfinder was cut in the same geometric pattern. The corridors made it possible for the visitor to move through the field to reach to Viewfinder, which made the landscape accessible in a completely new way. By moving through the wheat field the visitor experienced it up close, and not from a distance, offering an intimate experience of fields we usually only pass by.

Grid – landscape pattern

Kivik Art Centre 21.6.2020

Grid – landscape pattern

Kivik Art Centre 21.6.2020

Grid – landscape pattern

Kivik Art Centre 21.6.2020

Periskop # 24

Periskop # 24, Materials and Nothingness, 2020.

Writingplace # 4

Writingplace # 4, Undefined Terrain, naiOIOpublishers, 2020.

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, Artist Book, Space Poetry, 2019. Buy it here:

Tower to Tower – Gigantism in Architecture and Digital Culture

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, Møstings hus, Copenhagen, 2019.

Forgetful Nature

Careless Nature

The Ellstorp Lot, Malmö, colour photograph 20 x 30 cm mounted on mould-made paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Careless Nature

The Ellstorp Lot, Malmö, colour photograph 20 x 30 cm mounted on mould-made paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Careless Nature

The Beauvais Lot, Copenhagen, colour photograph 20 x 30 cm mounted on mould-made paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Careless Nature

Forget-me-not, sketch for walldrawing, watercolour, 30 x 40 cm, 2019.

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, Møstings hus, Copenhagen 2019. Forget-me-not, walldrawing.

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, Møstings hus, Copenhagen, 2019.
From left: Grey # 15, Grey # 14, Grey # 16, Grey # 17, 2019.

Grey # 17

Grey # 17, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Grey # 16

Grey # 16, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Careless Nature

Careless Nature, Møstings hus, Copenhagen, 2019.
From left: Grey # 12, 2018, Grey # 10, 2017.

Grey # 15

Grey # 15, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Grey # 14

Grey # 14, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2019.

Grey # 13

Grey # 13, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2018.

Grey # 10

Grey # 10, pencil on paper, 50 x 65 cm, 2017.

Grid – patterns in grass

Amorpark 17.5.2019
In May Maria Finn and landscape architect Jacob Kamp installed a temporary artwork in grass, Grid, in the Amorpark in Copenhagen. The work used the existing lawns that were cut in a grid, where the squares in the pattern were allowed to grow high, while the stripes were cut down and created paths where you could walk. To enforce the biodiversity in the city, the grass are allowed to grow high several places in the city’s parks and this was utilized in Grid to create a spatial element that offers a new experience of the park.

Grid – patterns in grass

Amorpark 11.6.2019

Grid – patterns in grass

Amorpark 14.7.2019

Grid – Patterns in Grass

Amorpark 30.7.2019

Grid – patterns in grass

Grid, pencil drawing 29 x 42 cm, 2018.

Drawing Attention

From left: “Las babas del diablo”, HD video, 5:44 min., 2010., “Las babas del diablo I – III”, pencil drawings, 72 x 104 cm, 2009.

Everything Represents, Nothing is – Ingmar Bergman and the Arts

“Summer after Monika” in “Everything Represents. Nothing is” at Centre of Photography, Copenhagen, also at Gävle Konstcentrum 2018, and Silkeborg Bad 2019.

Det største i det mindste, det mindste i det største

Skimrende kalk, catalogue text for Rikke Ravn Sørensen’s public work Det største i det mindste, det mindste i det største, Ballerup Psykiatriske Center, 2018.

Free Art, Free Children

From left: “Transforming Patterns”, embroidery cotton/linen, 175 x 150 cm, 2018, “Patterns in Memory”, 10 drawings 29 x 42 cm, pencil and ballpoint, 2015.

Transforming Patterns

“Transforming Patterns”, embroidery, linen/cotton, 175 x 150 cm, 2018.

Patterns in Memory

“Patterns in Memory”, 10 drawings 29 x 42 cm, pencil and ballpoint, 2015.

Patterns in Memory

“Patterns in Memory”, pencil drawing, 29 x 42 cm, 2015.

Patterns in Memory

“Patterns in Memory”, pencil drawing, 29 x 42 cm, 2015.

Patterns in Memory

“Patterns in Memory”, pencil drawing, 29 x 42 cm, 2015.

I Never Promised You a Rose Garden

“Patterns of Behaviour”, 10 digital colour prints 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

Patterns of Behaviour

“Patterns of Behaviour”, digital print, 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

30 Insignificant Minutes

Architecture and Control

The Ellstorp Lot –an Undefined Urban Landscape; Maria Finn,  published in Architecture and Control, ed. Henriette Steiner, Annie Ring, Kristin Weel, Brill-Rodopi, Leiden, 2017.

Pist Protta # 80

Mirakel (after Josef Frank)

Maria Finn and Jacob Kamp, landscape architect, have together created a work in grass for Olseröd’s Konsthall. The work is titled “Mirakel (after Josef Frank)”, and is based on Josef Frank’s textile pattern with the same title. Frank’s title suggests that it is a miracle that a large pattern can take shape out of a few parts that are repeated. Finn and Kamp uses a part of the pattern for a grass work where a simplified drawing is transferred to grass that is allowed to grow high over the summer. Frank created textiles for the home, and when patterns from them are transferred to a landscape, they also enlarge the intimate space where they usually occur. The frames of the home are expanded and connected to their surroundings.

Mirakel (after Josef Frank)

“Mirakel (after Josef Frank)”, Maria Finn & Jacob Kamp, Olseröds Konsthall, Olseröd, 2017.

Mirakel (efter Josef Frank)

“Mirakel (after Josef Frank)”, Maria Finn & Jacob Kamp, Olseröds Konsthall, Olseröd, 2017.

Mirakel (after Josef Frank)

“Mirakel (after Josef Frank)”, pencil drawing on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2017.

About Losing

“About Losing”, DVD, 3:13 min., 2015. “The Free Exhibition”, Den Frie – Centre for Contemporay Art, Copenhagen, 2017.


Four Telegrams and a Short Story


Four Telegrams and a Short Story


Catleya I (after Josef Frank)

Catleya II (after Josef Frank)


“Catleya II (after Josef Frank)”, MDF panel, 122 x 244 cm, 2016.

“Catleya III (after Josef Frank)”


“Catleya III (after Josef Frank)”, MDF panel, 122 x 244 cm, 2016.

Las babas del diablo I

“Las babas del diablo I”, pencildrawing 73 x 104 cm, 2009.

Las babas del diablo II

“Las babas del diablo II”, pencildrawing 73 x 104 cm, 2009.

Las babas del diablo III

“Las babas del diablo III”, pencildrawing 73 x 104 cm, 2009.

Four Telegrams and a Short Story


“Telegram (Catleya)”, “Telegram (Lyon), pencildrawings, 50 x 65 cm, 2016.

Telegram (US Tree after Josef Frank)

“Telegram (US Tree after Josef Frank)”, pencil drawing, 50 x 65 cm, 2016.

Telegram (Lyon after Josef Frank)

“Telegram (Lyon after Josef Frank)”, pencil drawing, 50 x 65 cm, 2016.

Telegram (Catleya after Josef Frank)


“Telegram (Catleya after Josef Frank)”, pencil drawing, 50 x 65 cm, 2016.

The Spring Exhibition 2016

patterns of behaviour_frie

Installationview “The Spring Exhibition”, Den Frie, 2016, “Patterns of Behaviour”, 10 framed digital prints, 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

Patterns of Behaviour


Patterns of Behaviour, digital print in frame, 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

Patterns of Behaviour


Patterns of Behaviour, digital print in frame, 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

Patterns of Behaviour


Patterns of Behaviour, digital print in frame, 18 x 27 cm, 2014.

The Spring Exhibition 2015


Installationview at “The Spring Exhibition” at Den Frie – Centre for Contemporary Art. From left: “Blinded”, DVD 2:30 min., on table with 3 pencildrawings, “Unfinished # 8, 9, 10”, 2015.

100 x Spring

MF_1 2014

Installation view ”Honeysuckle I – IV (after William Morris)”, 2014, ”100 x Spring”, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art.

100 x Spring

MF_2 2014

”Honeysuckle I – IV (after William Morris)”, pencil on paper under glass, 2014.

Honeysuckle (after William Morris) II

Honeysuckle II

“Honeysuckle (after William Morris) II”, 50 X 65 cm, pencil on paper shown under glass, 2014.

Honeysuckle (after William Morris) III

Honeysuckle III

“Honeysuckle (after William Morris) III”, 50 X 65 cm, pencil on paper shown under glass, 2014.

Honeysuckle (after William Morris) IV

Honeysuckle IV

“Honeysuckle (after William Morris) IV, pencil on paper shown under glass, 50 x 65 cm, 2014.


1. MF_2013

“Summer after Monika, act IV”, walldrawing. “Refuge” with Anette Abrahamsson, Nässjö konsthall, 2013.


2. MF_2013

From left: “Summer after Monika”, DVD 5:32 min., 2007. 8 sketches for walldrawings, “Summer after Monika, act I – VIII”, watercolour on paper, 28 x 40 cm, 2007 – 2013.



“Summer after Monika, act V”, sketch for walldrawing, watercolour on paper, 28 x 40 cm, 2013.




“Summer after Monika, act VI”, sketch for walldrawing, watercolour on paper, 28 x 40 cm, 2013.


3. MF_2013

“Summer after Monika, act VIII”, sketch for wall drawing, watercolour on paper, 28 x 40 cm, 2013.

The Spring Exhibition 2013

5. MF_2013

“Defence Mechanisms”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, installationview “The Spring Exhibition”, Den Frie – Centre for Contemporary Art”, 2013.

The Spring Exhibition 2013


“Defence Mechanisms”, 10 pencildrawings on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2013.

Defence Mechanisms: Sublimation


“Defence Mechanisms: Sublimation”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2013.

Defence Mechanisms: Isolation


“Defence Mechanisms: Isolation”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2013.

Defence Mechanisms: Undoing


“Defence Mechanisms: Undoing”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, 2013.

Kritik # 208

Maja Ekelöf: Rapport fra en gulvspand Kritik # 208, 2013.

Artists as Researchers

“Artists as Researchers – A New Paradigm for Art Education in Europe”, ed. Mika Hannula, Jan Kaila, Roger Palmer & Kimmo Sarje, Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, 2013.


Hidingplace, walldrawing, Retake, Tranen, Gentofte hovedbibliotek, 2012.


Retake, Tranen, Gentofte hovedbibliotek, 2012.

Hidingplaces I


Hidingplaces I, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Han bøjede nakken og krøb ind under bordet. Efter et stykke tid begyndte hans nakke at gøre ondt og han var nødt til at lægge sig på siden. Han lå helt stille og døsede hen.

He lowered his head and crawled under the table. After a while his neck started hurting and he was forced to lie on one side. He lay perfectly still and dozed off.

Hidingplaces II


Hidingplaces II, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Hun kravlede ind under sengen og kunne derfra se fødder passere som siden standsede op. Når skridtene forsvandt ud af værelset rullede hun forpustet tættere på væggen.

She crawled under the bed. From there she could see feet walking past and then stopping. When the sound of footsteps disappeared from the room, she moved closer to the wall, feeling out of breath.

Hidingplaces V


Hidingplaces V, c-print 20 x 30 cm, 2012.

Han gemte sig bagved gardinerne i entréen. Fødderne stak ud og han prøvede på at gøre sig så flad som muligt for ikke at blive opdaget. Han holdt vejret, men gav til sidst slip på luften med et dybt suk som han håbede ikke skulle afsløre ham.

He hid himself behind the curtain in the hall. His feet stuck out and he tried making himself as flat as possible so as not to be noticed. He held his breath but in the end he sighed deeply and hoped this would not reveal his presence.

Hidden Narratives


”Hidden Narratives” with Vesna Pavloviç, BKS Garage, 2012.

Hidden Narratives

7 MF_2012

“Unfinished” # 2 – 7, pencil on paper, 2011 – 2012.

Hidden Narratives


“Boxes”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2012.


The Exception and the Rule

exception 1

Installationview with “The Go-Between”, DVD, 7:30 min., at “The Exception and the Rule”, SAK, Svendborg, 2012.

The Exception and the Rule


“11 x The Go-Between”, used paperback copies.






The Go-Between


restless view

“Restless”, installationview Danske Grafikers hus, 2012. From left: “Grey # 6”, “Grey # 1”, “Grey # 3”, “Grey # 2”, “Grey # 4”, “Grey # 5”.

Les Paris sont ouvert


“Dad”, b/w photographs, installed in “Les Paris sont ouvert” at The Freud Museum, London.



“Dad”, b/w photograph 19 x 28 cm, 1997.



“Dad”, b/w photograph 17 x 25 cm, 1997.

Images Between the Word and the film

Images Between the Word and the Film

Ph.d thesis “Images Between the Word and the Film”, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2010.

Gaps in the Landscape


“Gaps in the Landscape”, MDF-panel, 122 x 244 cm, 2010.

Images Between the Word and the Film

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Installationview “Images Between the Word and the Film” at Overgaden June 2010. From left: “Sometimes the Desert is Red”, 2004 & 2009, “Parkscenario”, “Summer after Monika”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2007, “Las babas del diablo”, DVD, 5:44 min., 2010.

Images Between the Word and the Film

view images9

“Parkscenario: Parc de la Villette, Parc André Citroën, Parc de Buttes Chaumont, Bois de Boulogne” 24 c-prints 15 x 22 cm,1999 – 2009.


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När de möttes blev hon omfamnad av henne. Det fick henne till att hoppas på att hon hade förlåtit henne. De gick vidare nära varandra, och skrattade lite för högt varje gång den andra sa något. När de försvunnit bakom buskarna kunde man fortfarande höra dem skratta.

She gave her a hug when they met which made her hope that she had been forgiven. Walking along very closely together, they laughed a bit too loudly every time the other one said anything. You could even hear them laughing when they disappeared behind the bushes. 

Parc de la Villette III, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.


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Efter att ha suttit en stund på bänken upptäckter hon att en man i närheten iakttar henne. Hon reser sig och går men kan inte låta bli att vända sig om och titta på honom.

After sitting on the bench for a while, she noticed that a man nearby was watching her. She gets up and leaves but cannot help turning around to look at him. 

Parkscenario: Parc de la Villette II, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.


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En kvinna går under trädet. Hon har en svart kappa på sig som sluter tätt omkring kroppen. Lågt säger hon till sig själv att hon inte skulle ha lämnat honom ensam igen. A woman walks under the tree. 

She is wearing a tightly fitting black coat. In a low voice she tells herself that she should not have left him alone again.

Parkscenario: Parc de Buttes-Chaumont I, c-print 15 x 22 cm, 1999.

Las babas del diablo

The Cinematic Experience

“The Cinematic Experience”, ed. Alice Autelitano, Campanotto Editore, Paisan di Prato, 2010.

Technically Sweet, New York

view participant_0762

Installation view “Technically Sweet, Participant Inc., New York.

A Technical Problem

The Making of Technically Sweet

Catalogue for Technically Sweet, contributing artists: Elisabeth Subrin, Elsebeth Jørgensen, Frans Jacobi, Fredrik Jacobi, John Brattin, Lars Mathisen, Laura Parnes, Maria Finn, Mark Orange, Michel Auder, Michael Stickrod, Pia Rönicke, Ulrik Heltoft, Yvette Brackman.


In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman

Style: "Porcelain vivid"

Installationview “Summer after Monica act III”, walldrawing in “In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman” at Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun.



In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman


Installationview with “Summer after Monika”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2007, and drawings “Summer after Monika I – VII”, pencil on paper, 29 x 42 cm, in “In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman” at Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun.

In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman


Installationview with “Summer after Monika”, DVD, 5:32 min., 2007, in “In Silent Conversation with Ingmar Bergman” at Kunstmuseum Thun, Thun.

Technically Sweet, Copenhagen


Installationview “Technically Sweet” at Overgaden 2008.

Summer after Monika


“Summer after Monika act II”, walldrawing at The Apartment, Athens.

Summer after Monika

SUM # 1

Scenes of Absence,
published in SUM # 1, ed. Malene Vest Hansen, Billedkunstskolernes Forlag, Copenhagen, 2007.